East Delta Electricity Production EDEPCO

East Delta Electricity Production EDEPCO

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About Company

East Delta Electricity Production Company is:
An Egyptian joint stock company wholly owned by the Egyptian Electricity Holding Company, and therefore it is considered a person under private law and is subject to the provisions of the private law and the provisions of the law on joint stock companies, limited partnerships by shares and limited liability companies issued by Law No. 159 of 1981 and its executive regulations and Law No. 95. of 1992 and its executive regulations, unless there is a special provision in this law and in a manner that does not conflict with the provisions of Law No. 164 of 2000 transforming the Egyptian Electricity Authority into an Egyptian joint stock company. Article Seven included that the company’s capital consists of shares with a value of 100 pounds per share, all of which Fully paid nominal shares owned by the Egyptian Electricity Holding Company.

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